Frequently Asked Questions

New to the area or just have questions about Oak Mountain Youth Tackle Football? We’ve got you covered. 

What is the refund policy?

Half the registration fee will be refunded if the player quits prior to the start of practice assuming they return all issued equipment to their coach. Players that quit after the first day of practice will not be refunded their registration fee. The reason for this is outlays for jerseys, insurance and other fees have been paid by this time.

How are teams chosen?

Players will be evaluated by the coaches during June. Teams will be built to try to keep all teams equal. This is done so that the league can be competitive and fun for all.

What equipment must I provide?

You must provide a CHIN STRAP, MOUTHPIECE, PRACTICE JERSEY, PRACTICE AND GAME PANTS, PANT PADS, ANY ARM PADDING, and SHOES. These may be purchased at any sporting goods store.

What equipment does the park provide?


How much will my son play?

This league requires that all kids on the team have a starting position and participate in a minimum of 50 percent of the game. Positions will be decided by the team’s coaching staff. Players that do not show up for practice can have playing time reduced.

Where will we practice?

Our practice fields are at Heardmont Park and Oak Mountain Elementary. The coaches are assigned practice locations prior to the season.

What times are the games?

A team will have only one game per week, which will be on a week night or Saturday. Weeknight games will begin around 6 p.m. for the first game followed immediately by the second game. Typically the 6th grade division would play on Monday’s, 5th grade division on Tuesday’s and the 3rd/4th grade division on Thursday’s.

Where and when are the games played?

The schedule is arranged by the league and is released about one week prior to the first game. Games will be held at Hoover East, Hoover Central, Liberty Park and home games at the OMYFC game field at OMHS. Games will be scheduled for weeknights.

How is this recreational league different from community programs?

This league was established to meet a unique need and encourage participation in football. Playing time is required for all players and teams are generally smaller. Equal participation is more important than winning.

When does the season start?

Practice starts around the first of August, the season starts after Labor Day. The season ends in early November with the championship games.

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